Grumpy Dad.

My wife tells me I am getting grumpier. She tells me I have got steadily worse since my 40th birthday.
I now find myself staring at my 44th birthday in just a few days and I know what she means.
I used to be so tolerant and patient but nowadays pretty much everything and everybody gets on my tits.
Take Apple for example. I have always found the owners of iPhones annoying. With their complete reluctance to put the bloody things in their pockets and their ridiculous white headphones I truly want to punch them in their throats. But more recently I have come to the realisation that Apple and their rivals are no more than parasites feeding on the weak-willed zombie sheep that constitute the general populace of our once proud nation.
I also despair at the morons I share my daily commute with. The levels of lunacy I see everyday get me more than a little steamed up. Congestion is not caused by high volumes of traffic, it is caused by high volumes of incompetent f**king idiots.
The list of things that get my goat grows every day. Beamer/Audi/Merc drivers, number plates on cars that have been fiddled with to vaguely look like the pillock behind the wheels flipping name, Facebook, the emotionless, expressionless, computer generated tripe that passes as popular music today and (most of all) chavs, to name but a few.
I think I am entitled to a little grumpiness in my approaching middle age. Just don’t tell the wife.

Live long as proper, peeps.

Grumpy Old Git

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Posted in general rant
One comment on “Grumpy Dad.
  1. Jay says:

    I agree, pal! Age just makes us realise we’ve seen the bullshit all before thats all. When we were 20 it was the same and 30 and then by 40 we’re just fed up with the same bollocks. Cunts with businesses and money and influence fucking us all in the ass as the moronic masses elect the same MP’s who destroy society for their own selfish ends.

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